AgendaCornwall City CouncilMeeting #:2021-36Date:Monday, December 13, 2021 at 7:00 P.m. - 11:00 P.m.Location:Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water Street East, Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 6G4, Salon B, Lower LevelChair: Glen G. Grant, MayorPrepared By: Manon L. Levesque, City ClerkIn-Camera Session / Rise and Report from the In-Camera Meeting of Monday, December 13, 2021 Motion to move into a Closed Meeting at 5:00 p.m. to address matters pertaining to Section 239 (2) and (3.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001.A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is: Item #1 Report 2021-180-PDR Sale of Land Item #2 Report 2021-181-PDR Sale of Land Item #3 Report 2021-182-PDR Sale of Land Item #4 Report 2021-183-PDR Sale of Land c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local boardMoment of Personal Reflection Réflexion personelleNational Anthem Hymne national The Acting Mayor for this month is Councillor Elaine MacDonald. Opening OuvertureWe acknowledge that we are gathering on the traditional territory of the Mohawk people of Akwesasne.Roll Call Appel nominalAdditions, Deletions or Amendments Ajoûts, retraits ou modificationsAll matters listed under General Consent, save and except “Delegations” are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Should a Council Member wish an alternative action from the proposed recommendation, the Council Member shall request that this matter be moved to “Communications” at this time.Adoption of Agenda Ratification de l'Ordre du jourThe following Agenda is being presented for adoption as presented / amended.Disclosures of Interest Déclarations d'intérêts pécuniairesCommittee of the Whole Séance de commission étendue à la chambre entireWe will now go into Committee of the Whole and that all Minutes, Presentations, Delegations, Consent/Correspondence, Resolutions, Reports and By-laws shall be considered and referred to that Committee.Adoption of Minutes 1.Draft Regular Minutes - Nov_22_2021.pdf2.Draft Special Meeting Minutes - Nov_29_2021.pdf3.Draft Special Meeting Minutes - Dec_06_2021.pdfRatification des procès-verbauxThe following Minutes are being presented for adoption: Monday, November 22, 2021 Monday, November 29, 2021 Monday, December 6, 2021 Presentations PrésentationsDelegations DélégationsConsent Reports Rapports sur le consentement1.Proclamation – Salvation Army Week, 2021-142-Corporate Services 1.Proclamation - Salvation Army Week - 2021-142-Corporate Services.pdf2.Proclamation - Salvation Army Week.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council proclaim the week of December 20 to 24, 2021, as “Salvation Army Week” in the City of Cornwall and to allow its flag to be flown at 340 Pitt Street.2.Proclamation – Children’s Christmas Fund Week, 2021-146-Corporate Services 1.Proclamation - Childen's Christmas Fund Week - 2021-146-Corporate Services.pdf2.Proclamation Request Children's Christmas Fund.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council proclaim the week of December 12 to 18, 2021, as "Children's Christmas Fund Week" in the City of Cornwall and allow its flag to be flown at 340 Pitt Street for the duration of that period3.November PAC Danis and 102 Sydney/41 First Street East, 2021-175-Planning, Development and Recreation 1.November PAC Danis and 102 Sydney - 2021-175-PDR.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council approve the following items: 962101 Ontario Inc. at Danis Avenue for Brownfields funding under Program 4 –Municipal Planning/Development Fees grant based on actual costs for the Committee of Adjustment application for severance and the stamping of the deeds.1943217 Ontario Inc. at 102 Sydney Street/41 First Street East for Heart of the City funding under Program 1 Heart of the City Rehabilitation and Redevelopment Grant (Tax Increment Grant) for an estimated value of $51,425 subject to adjustment for yearly changes in assessment and taxation. Action RecommendedThat Council approve the following items: 962101 Ontario Inc. at Danis Avenue for Brownfields funding under Program 4 –Municipal Planning/Development Fees grant based on actual costs for the Committee of Adjustment application for severance and the stamping of the deeds.1943217 Ontario Inc. at 102 Sydney Street/41 First Street East for Heart of the City funding under Program 1 Heart of the City Rehabilitation and Redevelopment Grant (Tax Increment Grant) for an estimated value of $51,425 subject to adjustment for yearly changes in assessment and taxation.4.Children’s Services Business Practice Guidelines for 2022, 2021-37-Social and Housing Services 1.Children's Services Business Practice Guidelines for 2022 - 2021-37-Social and Housing Services.pdf2.2022 Business Practice Guidelines.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council approve the 2022 Children’s Services Business Practice Guidelines to support the distribution of Special Purpose, General Operating and Fee Subsidy Funding to Operators that have a service contract with the City of Cornwall as outlined in the background discussion of this report.5.Tender 21-T30 Construction of Affordable Housing Complex (9th & McConnell), 2021-122-Financial Services 1.Tender 21-T30 Construction of Affordable Housing Complex - 2021-122-Financial Services.pdfAction RecommendedThat Tender 21-T30 be awarded to Robert J. Bourgon & Associates Limited, from Cornwall, Ontario, at the total bid price of $18,866,610.08 (net cost to the Corporation - $16,989,966.74) being the best bid meeting the tender specifications.6.Tender 21-T36 Design and Installation of Utility Transformer, 2021-124-Financial Services 1.Tender 21-T36 Design and Installation of Utility Transformer - 2021-124-Financial Services.pdfAction RecommendedThat Tender 21-T36 be awarded to Spark Power, from Belleville, Ontario, at the total bid price of $184,124.61 (net cost to the Corporation - $165,809.91) being the best bid meeting the tender specifications.7.RFP Terms of Reference for Business Park Expansion, 2021-123-Financial Services 1.RFP Terms of Reference for Business Park Expansion - 2021-123-Financial Services.pdf2.Terms of Reference 21-P16 - Future Business Park Expansion.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council receive Report 2021-123-Financial Services.8.Elected Officials Expense Statements for the Period of October 1 to November 30, 2021, 2021-105-Financial Services 1.Elected Officials Expense Statements for Oct 1 to Nov 30, 2021 - 2021-105-Financial Services.pdf2.Consolidated Oct-Nov 21 expenses.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council receive the Statement of Expenses for Elected Officials for the period of October 1 to November 30, 2021.9.Tax Write-offs / Adjustments, 2021-106-Financial Services 1.Tax Write-Offs - Adjustments - 2021-106-Financial Services.pdf2.Tax Refunds Listing.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council receive the report for tax write-offs and adjustments under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and tax refunds from decisions made by the Assessment Review Board (ARB).10.2021 Carry Forwards - Capital, 2021-109-Financial Services 1.Carry Forward of Capital - 2021-109-Financial Services.pdf2.Captal Carry Forward Schedule.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council approve the carry forward of the capital projects listed on schedule 1 to this Report 2021-109 Finanial Services.11.2021 Carry Forwards - Operations, 2021-108-Financial Services 1.Carry Forward of Operations - 2021-108-Financial Services.pdf2.2021 Operating Carry Forward Schedule.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council approve the carry forwards of 2021 operations to 2022.Resolutions RésolutionsReports from Unfinished Business and Unfinished Business Listing Rapports des affaires incompletesThe Unfinished Business Listing for Monday, December 13, 2021, is being presented to Council to receive.1.Climate Emergency Declaration, 2021-117-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.Climate Emergency Declaration - 2021-117-Infrastructure and Municipal Works.pdf2.Cost Analysis Cornwall Greenhouse Gas Emissions - 2021-07-IMW.pdf3.2021-17-CAO.pdf4.2021-71-IMW.pdf5.IPCC_WGI-AR6-Press-Release_en.pdf6.popular-physicsprize2021.pdf7.TEMPLATE-council-resolution-to-join-pcp.pdf8.Climate Lens Tool example.pdf9.21. 2022 Community Climate Action Plan.pdf10.EOHU statement for climate emergency.pdf11.Praisy Hunter statement for climate emergency declaration.pdf12.What we heard - climate change survey (002) with graphs.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council receive Report #2021-117-IMW;That Council adopt the Climate Emergency Declaration;That the City of Cornwall, in consultation with the Environment and Climate Change Committee (ECCC), adopt the national greenhouse gas reduction (GHG) target, which is 40-45 percent below 2005 levels by 2030;That the City of Cornwall join the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) by passing the additional Council Resolution and committing to its 5-step framework;That Administration proceed to develop a Community Climate Action Plan that can realistically achieve the City's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and which includes adaptation plans for the expected impacts of climate change, subject to funding;That Administration further research the concept of implementing a Climate Lens for all City projects and Council decisions, as previously described in report #2021-07-IMW and propose a plan and timeline for implementing a version of one for the City.That Administration be directed to create a report, with the assistance of the Environment and Climate Change Committee, outlining a process to assess climate adaptation within the community and to determine if joining International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives’ (ICLEI) Building Adaptive & Resilient Communities (BARC) is beneficial.2.Unfinished Business Listing for December 13, 2021, 2021-143-Corporate Services 1.Unfinished Business Listing for December 13, 2021 - 2021-143-Corporate Services(1).pdfAction RecommendedThat Council receive the Unfinished Business Listing for December 13, 2021.Communication Reports Communications et rapports1.Transfer Payments to City Partners, 2021-107-Financial Services 1.Transfer Payments to City Partners - 2021-107-Financial Services.pdfAction RecommendedThat Council direct Administration to continue monthly transfer payments for operating costs to the identified City Partners listed.New Business Motions Nouvelles affairesBy-laws Règlements municipauxBy-laws 2021-131 to 2021-145 inclusive, listed on the Agenda, are being presented to Council for adoption.1.2021-131 to amend By-law 2019-009 and to appoint a Member of Council to the Glen Stor Dun Lodge Board of Directors, 2021-149-Corporate Services 1.By-law 2021-131 Appoint Members of Council to Various Boards - 2021-149-CS(1).pdf2.2021-132 Annual Renewal of Service Contracts for Child Care and Early Years Service Providers 2022, 2021-41-Social and Housing Services, 2021-36-Social and Housing Services 1.By-law 2021-132 Renewal Service Contracts Early Years Providers 2022 - 2021-41-SHS.pdf2.Note - Annual Renewal Early Years Providers - 2021-36-SHS.pdf3.2021-133 to Authorize the Renewal of the Contract Agreement with Bench Press Limited, 2021-104-Infrastructure and Municipal Works, 2021-105-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.By-law 2021-133 Agreement Renewal with Bench Advertising Ltd. - 2021-104-IMW.pdf2.Note - Agreement Renewal with Bench Press Limited - 2021-105-Infrastructure and Municipal Works.pdf4.2021-134 to accept the transfer of an easement over Part 4 on Reference Plan 52R-8420 for the purpose of maintaining a 250mm sanitary sewer, 2021-111-Infrastructure and Municipal Works, 2021-112-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.By-Law 2021-134 Accepting Easement Transfer for Existing Sewer - 2021-111-IMW.pdf2.Note - Accepting an Easement transfer for Existing Sewer - 2021-112-IMW.pdf3.10thMarlboroughSanitarySewerEasement.pdf5.2021-135 to dedicate lands as public highway and name them Nick Kaneb Drive, 2021-107-Infrastructure and Municipal Works, 2021-118-Infrastructure and Municipal Works, 2021-115-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.By-Law 2021-135 Dedicating Hwy and Naming it Nick Kaneb Dr. - 2021-107-IMW.pdf2.Note - Dedicating and Naming Nick Kaneb Drive - 2021-118-IMW.pdf3.NickKaneb_By-LawDec2021.pdf6.2021-136 renaming Virginia Drive to Nick Kaneb Drive, 2021-114-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.By-law 2021-136 Renaming Virginia Drive as Nick Kaneb Dr - 2021-114-IMW.pdf7.2021-137 to amend the Traffic and Parking By-Law 069-1989, Schedule I – Stopping Restrictions, Schedule II – Parking Restrictions, Schedule XV – Stop Signs and Schedule XVI – Yield Signs, 2021-110-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.By-Law 2021-137 Nick Kaneb Dr Extension - New Traffic Control - 2021-110-IMW.pdf2.Note - Nick Kaneb Dr. New Traffic Control - 2021-109-IMW(1).pdf3.Nick Kaneb Dr and Tenth St E(1).pdf8.2021-138 directing and enacting the manner in which the 2022 interim levy authorized by Section 317 of the Municipal Act, 2001 is to be collected, 2021-110-Financial Services, 2021-111-Financial Services 1.By-law 2021-139 2022 Interim Tax Levy - 2021-110-FS.pdf2.Note - Interim Levy - 2021-111-Financial Services.pdf9.2021-139 to provide for the supply and distribution of water and the collection of rates for the use of water and water-related services, 2021-112-Financial Services, 2021-113-Financial Services 1.By-law 2021-139 Distribution and Collection of Water and Water-Related - 2021-112-FS.pdf2.SCHEDULE A 2022 WATER RATES.pdf3.Note - Distribution and Collection of Water and Water-Related Services - 2021-113-Financial Services.pdf10.2021-140 to establish the Sewage Service Surcharge, 2021-114-Financial Services, 2021-115-Financial Services 1.By-law 2021-140 Sewage Service Rates - 2021-114-Financial Services.pdf2.Note - Sewage Rate - 2021-115-Financial Services.pdf11.2021-141 to authorize the borrowing of funds to provide financing for capital works and vehicles, 2021-120-Financial Services, 2021-121-Financial Services 1.By-law 2021-141 Borrowing of Funds - 2021-120-FS.pdf2.Note - Borrowing of Funds - 2021-121-Financial Services.pdf12.2021-142 to authorize the spending of expenditures in the current year prior to the adoption of the operational budget, 2021-116-Financial Services, 2021-117-Financial Services 1.By-law 2021-142 Spending of Expenditures Prior to Budget - 2021-116-Financial Services.pdf2.Note - Spending Expenditures Prior to Budget - 2021-117-Financial Services.pdf13.2021-143 to authorize temporary borrowing until taxes are collected and other revenues are received for the current year, 2021-118-Financial Services, 2021-119-Financial Services 1.By-law 2021-143 Temporary Borrowing - 2021-118-Financial Services.pdf2.Note - Temporary Borrowing - 2021-119-Financial Services.pdf14.2021-144 Automotive Materials Stewardship Funding Agreement., 2021-113-Infrastructure and Municipal Works, 2021-119-Infrastructure and Municipal Works 1.By-Law 2021-144 - Automotive Material Stewardship - 2021-113-IMW.pdf2.Note - Automotive Material Stewardship - 2021-119-IMW.pdf15.2021-145 HOTC 113 Second Street East and 102 Sydney Program 1, 2021-176-Planning, Development and Recreation, 2021-177-Planning, Development and Recreation 1.By-law 2021-145 HOTC 113 Second St E and 102 Sydney Prog 1 - 2021-176-PDR.pdf2.Note - 113 Second Street East and 102 Sydney Program 1 - 2021-177-PDR.pdfReports from Standing, Advisory, Special and Ad Hoc Committees of Council Rapports des comités permanents, consultatifs, spéciaus et ad hoclNotices of Motion Avis de motion1.Cancellation of Council Meeting of Monday, October 24, 2022 – Election Day 2022, 2021-145-Corporate Services 1.Cancellation of Council Meeting - Election 2022 - 2021-145-Corporate Services.pdfWhereas the next Municipal Election is scheduled for Monday, October 24, 2022; and Whereas the City's Procedural By-law regulates the dates that the Council shall hold its Regular Meetings; and Whereas the By-law sets the Regular Council Meetings to be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month (with exceptions); and Whereas there is a Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, October 24, 2022, the same day as Municipal Election Day; and Now therefore be it resolved that the Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, October 24, 2022, be and is hereby cancelled as to not conflict with Municipal Election Day 2022.Confirming By-law Règlement municipal de ratificationBy-law 2021-146, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Cornwall at its meetings held on Monday, December 13, 2021, is being presented to Council for adoption.1.Confirming By-law for the Meeting of December 13, 2021, 2021-144-Corporate Services 1.Confirming By-law for the Meeting of December 13, 2021 - 2021-144-Corporate Services.pdfAdjournment and Next Regular Meeting of Council Ajournement et prochaine séance ordinaire du ConseilThe next Regular Public Meeting of Council will be held on Monday, January 10, 2022.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Draft Regular Minutes - Nov_22_2021.pdf2.Draft Special Meeting Minutes - Nov_29_2021.pdf3.Draft Special Meeting Minutes - Dec_06_2021.pdf1.By-law 2021-131 Appoint Members of Council to Various Boards - 2021-149-CS(1).pdf1.By-law 2021-132 Renewal Service Contracts Early Years Providers 2022 - 2021-41-SHS.pdf2.Note - Annual Renewal Early Years Providers - 2021-36-SHS.pdf1.By-law 2021-133 Agreement Renewal with Bench Advertising Ltd. - 2021-104-IMW.pdf2.Note - Agreement Renewal with Bench Press Limited - 2021-105-Infrastructure and Municipal Works.pdf1.By-Law 2021-134 Accepting Easement Transfer for Existing Sewer - 2021-111-IMW.pdf2.Note - Accepting an Easement transfer for Existing Sewer - 2021-112-IMW.pdf3.10thMarlboroughSanitarySewerEasement.pdf1.By-Law 2021-135 Dedicating Hwy and Naming it Nick Kaneb Dr. - 2021-107-IMW.pdf2.Note - Dedicating and Naming Nick Kaneb Drive - 2021-118-IMW.pdf3.NickKaneb_By-LawDec2021.pdf1.By-Law 2021-137 Nick Kaneb Dr Extension - New Traffic Control - 2021-110-IMW.pdf2.Note - Nick Kaneb Dr. New Traffic Control - 2021-109-IMW(1).pdf3.Nick Kaneb Dr and Tenth St E(1).pdf1.By-law 2021-139 2022 Interim Tax Levy - 2021-110-FS.pdf2.Note - Interim Levy - 2021-111-Financial Services.pdf1.Cancellation of Council Meeting - Election 2022 - 2021-145-Corporate Services.pdf1.Children's Services Business Practice Guidelines for 2022 - 2021-37-Social and Housing Services.pdf2.2022 Business Practice Guidelines.pdf1.Climate Emergency Declaration - 2021-117-Infrastructure and Municipal Works.pdf2.Cost Analysis Cornwall Greenhouse Gas Emissions - 2021-07-IMW.pdf3.2021-17-CAO.pdf4.2021-71-IMW.pdf5.IPCC_WGI-AR6-Press-Release_en.pdf6.popular-physicsprize2021.pdf7.TEMPLATE-council-resolution-to-join-pcp.pdf8.Climate Lens Tool example.pdf9.21. 2022 Community Climate Action Plan.pdf10.EOHU statement for climate emergency.pdf11.Praisy Hunter statement for climate emergency declaration.pdf12.What we heard - climate change survey (002) with graphs.pdf1.Confirming By-law for the Meeting of December 13, 2021 - 2021-144-Corporate Services.pdf1.Elected Officials Expense Statements for Oct 1 to Nov 30, 2021 - 2021-105-Financial Services.pdf2.Consolidated Oct-Nov 21 expenses.pdf1.November PAC Danis and 102 Sydney - 2021-175-PDR.pdf1.Proclamation - Childen's Christmas Fund Week - 2021-146-Corporate Services.pdf2.Proclamation Request Children's Christmas Fund.pdf1.Proclamation - Salvation Army Week - 2021-142-Corporate Services.pdf2.Proclamation - Salvation Army Week.pdf1.RFP Terms of Reference for Business Park Expansion - 2021-123-Financial Services.pdf2.Terms of Reference 21-P16 - Future Business Park Expansion.pdf1.Tax Write-Offs - Adjustments - 2021-106-Financial Services.pdf2.Tax Refunds Listing.pdf1.Tender 21-T36 Design and Installation of Utility Transformer - 2021-124-Financial Services.pdf1.Transfer Payments to City Partners - 2021-107-Financial Services.pdf1.By-law 2021-136 Renaming Virginia Drive as Nick Kaneb Dr - 2021-114-IMW.pdf1.Tender 21-T30 Construction of Affordable Housing Complex - 2021-122-Financial Services.pdf1.By-law 2021-139 Distribution and Collection of Water and Water-Related - 2021-112-FS.pdf2.SCHEDULE A 2022 WATER RATES.pdf3.Note - Distribution and Collection of Water and Water-Related Services - 2021-113-Financial Services.pdf1.By-law 2021-140 Sewage Service Rates - 2021-114-Financial Services.pdf2.Note - Sewage Rate - 2021-115-Financial Services.pdf1.By-law 2021-141 Borrowing of Funds - 2021-120-FS.pdf2.Note - Borrowing of Funds - 2021-121-Financial Services.pdf1.By-law 2021-142 Spending of Expenditures Prior to Budget - 2021-116-Financial Services.pdf2.Note - Spending Expenditures Prior to Budget - 2021-117-Financial Services.pdf1.By-law 2021-143 Temporary Borrowing - 2021-118-Financial Services.pdf2.Note - Temporary Borrowing - 2021-119-Financial Services.pdf1.By-Law 2021-144 - Automotive Material Stewardship - 2021-113-IMW.pdf2.Note - Automotive Material Stewardship - 2021-119-IMW.pdf1.By-law 2021-145 HOTC 113 Second St E and 102 Sydney Prog 1 - 2021-176-PDR.pdf2.Note - 113 Second Street East and 102 Sydney Program 1 - 2021-177-PDR.pdf1.Carry Forward of Capital - 2021-109-Financial Services.pdf2.Captal Carry Forward Schedule.pdf1.Carry Forward of Operations - 2021-108-Financial Services.pdf2.2021 Operating Carry Forward Schedule.pdf1.Unfinished Business Listing for December 13, 2021 - 2021-143-Corporate Services(1).pdf