
Cornwall City Council

Meeting #:
Attendance Committee Members:
  • Elaine MacDonald, Councillor, Chair
  • Bernadette Clement, Mayor
  • Carilyne Hébert, Councillor
  • Claude E. McIntosh, Councillor
  • Dean Hollingsworth, Councillor
  • Eric Bergeron, Councillor
  • Glen Grant, Councillor
  • Maurice Dupelle, Councillor
  • Syd Gardiner, Councillor
  • Todd Bennett, Councillor
  • Ronald Symington
  • Justin Towndale, Councillor
  • Amanda Brisson
Attendance Administration:
  • Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant
  • Mark A. Boileau, General Manager, Planning, Development and Recreation

​Chair:                   Elaine MacDonald, Councillor
Prepared By:        Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant

Chair Elaine MacDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call was conducted by Recording Secretary Ely Daniels.

Chair Elaine MacDonald asked if there were any declarations of conflict of interest.

Mayor Bernadette Clement stated that although she did not have a declaration of conflict of interest, she wished to disclose that her employer, The Board of Directors of the Legal Clinic, has a lease with the Weaving Baskets Group Inc. at a completely different location.

  • Moved By:Glen Grant, Councillor
    Seconded By:Maurice Dupelle, Councillor

    Motion to adopt the Agenda as presented.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved By:Bernadette Clement, Mayor
    Seconded By:Ronald Symington

    Motion to approve the April 19, 2021 PAC Minutes as presented.

    Motion Carried

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith advised that a Public Notice was advertised in the Standard-Freeholder on Saturday, April 24th, 2021 covering one public meeting item regarding a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a multi-residential development on lands situated at 1335 Reneal Street (former St. Gabriel’s Catholic Elementary School); PAC File Z-02-21.  In addition to the newspaper notice, a 400’ radius Letter Notice was sent out to landowners around the subject property on Monday, April 26th, 2021.

Planner Alex Gatien advised that Planning staff had reviewed the rezoning application from the Weaving Baskets Group Inc. on the subject lands legally described as being Part Lot 9, Concession 2, and municipally known as 1335 Reneal Street.  The Zoning By-Law Amendment will be from Residential 20 (RES 20) to Residential 30 with Exceptions (RES 30 EXC) to permit a multi-residential development. The site will be subject to the following site specific exceptions and Site Plan approval to ensure proper design:  

Side yard setback on east side of 3.5m

A steps and landing projection of 1.8 m and a 1.5 m setback from property line.  

Maximum permitted lot occupancy of 47%

The first two site specific exceptions are to accommodate the existing building footprint, which was built before the current zoning bylaw came into effect.  He advised that the proposed lot occupancy is 45% and the additional 2% is to permit construction of an accessory structure if required in the future.   The property operated as St. Gabriel’s Catholic Elementary School and opened in 1956 with two additions constructed in 1958 and 1960. The current owners purchased the subject property in 2014.  There are existing multi-residential land uses in proximity to this development as the building has existed in the neighbourhood for almost 65 years.  The proposed rezoning is in support of the adaptive reuse of the existing school building into a 17-unit, market rent apartment building with two accessible units.  A total of 25 parking spaces and 8 bike parking spaces will be located primarily on the footprint of the existing parking lot on the south side of the building.  The new development is expected to generate less traffic than the former school use as it will be distributed over a longer period of time.  He concluded that Planning is supportive of the application as it repurposes a currently vacant building to accommodate a  new multi-residential development and promotes intensification and adaptive reuse of existing structures, in accordance with the Provincial Policy Statement and Official Plan Policy.

Jennifer Wood, Acting Agent for the Weaving Baskets Group Inc., provided a brief presentation on the new development. Conceptual site plan drawings and renderings of the new multi-residential development were provided for review.  

Chair Elaine MacDonald opened discussions to PAC Members.

1.  Weaving Baskets Group Inc. (Agent – Tom Hughes) – Review of an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment, 2021-79-Planning, Development and Recreation

Lay Member Ron Symington asked for clarification on page 17 of the report with respect to Lot Coverage and Lot Occupancy percentages.

A confirmation was provided by both Planners, Alex Gatien and Jennifer Wood that the Lot Occupancy should reflect 47% and Lot Coverage 27%.

Councillor Syd Gardiner asked what type of rental units would be available, and whether the units would be medium or high priced.

Fotenn Planner, Jennifer Wood replied that the new project will be comprised of 17 residential units ranging from single to double occupancies, therefore, units will be available at a lower rental rate than full sized ones.

Tom Hughes of the Weaving Baskets Group Inc., replied that they recognize the City needs more affordable rental apartments and they are considering affordable housing.

Councillor Glen Grant asked what the average square footage per unit is, and further details regarding accessible structures.

Planner Jennifer Wood replied that the average size per unit is 1,000 sq. ft. and that the whole building has approximately 18,000 sq. ft. of floor area. With respect to accessory structures, she stated that the lot occupancy is 45% and that the additional 2% is intended to provide an allowance for a Gazebo and small storage shed.

Councillor Maurice Dupelle asked if the proponent had considered the Rent Supplement Program in Cornwall.

Tom Hughes of the Weaving Baskets Group Inc., replied that they had not yet made any decisions on the Program, however, they were open to consider it.

Councillor Syd Gardiner asked what kind of insulation would be used.

Tom Hughes of the Weaving Baskets Group Inc. replied that the architects and engineers are presently inspecting the building, and that Fiber insulation would be used.

Councillor Claude McIntosh asked what is the expected start up date.

Tom Hughes of the Weaving Baskets Group Inc. replied that they currently do not have a date, however, they plan to  start as soon as the processes of demolition, zoning amendment and site plan steps have been addressed.

Having no further questions from PAC, Chair Elaine MacDonald asked if there were any questions from the public.

Landowner Clive Ramdhani asked what the anticipated duration of the construction will be, and what are the future plans for the remaining land.

Planner Jennifer Wood replied that at this point nothing has begun, so they do not know what the duration will be.  With respect to the remaining land, she advised that it would stay vacant as there is no proposed use at this time.

A resident of 31 years, Art Levert asked what changes would occur to the on-street parking, and would neighbouring properties see an increase in their property taxes.

Planner Jennifer Wood replied that the project is not proposing any changes to on-street parking and that their proposal exceeds the parking lot requirement to provide 1.4 spaces per unit, which will be contained on site.

General Manager of Planning, Development and Recreation Mark Boileau added that the development will be a large contributor of property taxes which will only impact the property in question.  The surrounding properties will not be affected.

Having no further questions from the public, a motion was made:

  • Moved By:Glen Grant, Councillor
    Seconded By:Syd Gardiner, Councillor

    (a) That 1335 Reneal Street be rezoned from Residential 20 (RES 20) to Residential 30 with Exceptions (RES 30 EXC) on Part Lot 9, Concession 2, on Registered Plan 243, municipally known as 1335 Reneal Street, Cornwall, Ontario; and


    (b) That the following site-specific exemptions be approved:

         i.  A reduced side yard setback of 3.5 metres on the east side

         ii. A maximum permitted lot occupancy of 47%


    (c) That the proposed development be subject to the Site Plan approval process.

    Motion Carried

Development Coordinator Dana McLean provided a brief presentation for PAC discussion and final recommendation to Council with respect to the following (2) CPPEG funding applications.

  • Moved By:Carilyne Hébert, Councillor
    Seconded By:Maurice Dupelle, Councillor

    That HOTC#2021-04 addendum funding request by Sarah Irwin & Shawn Smith at 134 Montreal Rd, be accepted as follows:

    • Program 2 Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $5,015
    • Program 5 Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs
    • Program 6 Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on 50% of weigh bill receipts

    Conditional upon completing the façade.

  • Moved By:Carilyne Hébert, Councillor
    Seconded By:Maurice Dupelle, Councillor

    That HOTC#2021-06 funding request by Happy Bay Holdings Inc at 180-182 Ninth St E, be accepted as follows:

    • Program 2 Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $15,000
    • Program 4 Façade Improvement and Sign Grant in the amount of $6,000

    The application was recommended at 50% of the program maximums as the property is not located within the Priority Area.


    Following a further brief discussion by the PAC, it was:


    Recommended that CPPEG items 1 and 2 be approved and endorsed by the PAC, as proposed, and recommend same to Council.

    Motion Carried

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith advised that a Zoning working meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 between Planning staff and WSP Consultants to review the Second Draft of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith advised that there may not be a June PAC Meeting as no public meeting items had been received for review.  



Any PAC recommendations resulting from this meeting will be considered at the Monday, June 14th, 2021 Meeting of Council. The Clerk’s Department may be contacted at 613-932-6252 to verify that the report and resultant documents to which you have an interest is included in the Agenda of the above date.