
Cornwall City Council

Meeting #:
Attendance Committee Members:
  • Elaine MacDonald, Councillor, Chair
  • Bernadette Clement, Mayor
  • Carilyne Hébert, Councillor
  • Claude E. McIntosh, Councillor
  • Dean Hollingsworth, Councillor
  • Eric Bergeron, Councillor
  • Glen Grant, Councillor
  • Justin Towndale, Councillor
  • Maurice Dupelle, Councillor
  • Syd Gardiner, Councillor
  • Todd Bennett, Councillor
  • Amanda Brisson
  • Ronald Symington
Attendance Administration:
  • Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant
  • Lindsay Parisien, Development Planner
  • Maureen Adams, CAO
  • Mark A. Boileau, General Manager, Planning, Development and Recreation
  • Tracey Bailey, General Manager, Financial Services
  • Kaveen Fernando, Development Planner

​Chair:                   Elaine MacDonald, Councillor
Prepared By:        Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant

Chair Elaine MacDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

Roll Call was conducted by Recording Secretary Ely Daniels.

  • Moved By:Glen Grant, Councillor
    Seconded By:Dean Hollingsworth, Councillor

    Motion to adopt the Agenda as presented.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved By:Syd Gardiner, Councillor
    Seconded By:Carilyne Hébert, Councillor

    Motion to approve the February 16, 2021 PAC Minutes as presented.

    Motion Carried

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith advised that a public Notice was advertised in the Standard-Freeholder on Saturday, March 20th, 2021 covering the two Public Meeting Items being presented with respect to Draft Plans of Subdivision Reviews for Folders 310 & 311 and corresponding Rezoning Application (PAC File #Z-01-21).  In addition to the newspaper notice, she advised that a 400’ radius Letter Notice was sent out to landowners around the subject properties on Thursday, March 22nd, 2021.   

Planner Lindsay Parisien provided an overview of the Northwoods Forest Draft Plan of Subdivision. She stated that Planning staff had reviewed the Draft Residential Plan of Subdivision and associated Rezoning application along with removal of the Holding category. She advised that the developer is now proposing to have the remainder of the Northwoods Forest Subdivision (Phases 3 - 10) be Draft Plan approved to continue the development of this subdivision.  Currently the subdivision can be accessed via Mauricy Street.  This road network will be extended with the proposed build out of Phases 3 and 4 and will eventually have direct access to South Branch Road.  She described how the proposed phasing will occur in an orderly fashion and offer a variety of land uses and building types.  She touched on how the proposal adheres to such general principles of sustainable land use planning, as promoted in the Provincial Policy Statement and the City’s Official Plan document.  She added that the lands are appropriate for immediate development as set out in the Draft Plan prepared by Kirk L. Stidwill, O.L.S., subject to certain Draft Plan approval conditions, revised in Appendix A attached to the report, and reiterated that the applicant would have to adhere to each of those conditions prior to Council granting final approval to the plan.

Chair Elaine MacDonald opened discussions to PAC Members.

Planner Lindsay Parisien provided an overview of the Baldwin Avenue Subdivision application submitted by J.F. Markell Homes.  She stated that the developer is proposing a low-rise building type and housing form that is consistent with the existing residential neighbourhood.  The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision will create 6 single lots to accommodate for a total of 6 single-detached dwelling units.  She explained that prior to the demolition of the commercial building which operated as the former Florist Shop, the site would have provided for approximately 19 parking spaces to satisfy the technical parking stall requirements. She added that a detailed review of the proposed development's lot density and lot frontage was conducted and that both proposed density and lot frontage of the subject lands are consistent and comparable with the surrounding area and existing lots in the neighbourhoood, and comply with the City's Zoning By-law standards. She advised that comments had been received from abutting landowners and were relayed to the Developer for consideration prior to the final registration of the Plan. No site-specific exceptions are required and the proposal adheres to the general principles of sustainable land use planning, as promoted in the Provincial Policy Statement and the City's Official Plan document. She concluded that the application provides for a desirable infill development on a currently vacant lot and that the Planning Division is supportive.

Chair Elaine MacDonald opened discussions to PAC members.

Councillor Todd Bennett referred to the suggestion received from the Township of South Stormont to shift the proposed South Branch Road access to the east to line up with Julien Street. He asked if this alignment adjustment was being considered.

Developer John Markell replied that the realignment could easily be accomplished by shifting the top part of Kirkhill over 5 or 6 lots to align with Julien Street.  He added that once the Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) has been completed, discussions will take place with the City's Traffic Engineer, and the City Planners.  He added that this would be a minor change and would not require them to return to PAC.

Councillor Glen Grant asked what percentage of the Butternut Trees would be dedicated to Parkland.

John Markell replied that a small percentage of Butternut Trees will be dedicated.

Lay Member Ron Symington referred to the EBV's Engineering report and their assessment that the existing sanitary sewer on Pitt Street would exceed capacity should the full development of the Northwoods Forest Subdivision occur.  He asked if the City would be tendering this project soon.

Division Manager of Infrastructure Planning Michael Fawthrop replied that the upgrade project is presently out to tender and will be commencing in a couple of weeks. 

Councillor Syd Gardiner thanked Mr. Markell for his accommodating efforts regarding butternut trees, stating that they are an important food source for birds.

Hearing no further questions from PAC, Chair Elaine MacDonald asked three times if there were any comments from the public; hearing none she closed the public presentation of the meeting. 

Following a brief discussion, the following motion was made:

  • Moved By:Glen Grant, Councillor
    Seconded By:Bernadette Clement, Mayor
    1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision approval be given to the Draft Plan prepared by Kirk L. Stidwill, O.L.S., dated February 17th, 2021 on Part of Lot 8, and Part of the east half of Lot 9, Concession 3, comprising of 14.41 ha (35.6 acres) of land. The proposed Draft Plan will afford a total of 8 Phases of Development which will accommodate 127 single detached lots, 39 small lot singles, and 24 semi detached lots. The proposed Draft Plan and municipal road dedication are subject to the fulfilment of the Draft Plan Conditions, as shown in Appendix A, (Refer to Attachment 1), and associated rezoning coming into effect.
    2. That the lands located on Part of Lot 8 and Part of the east half of Lot 9, Concession 3, also referred to as the Northwoods Forest Subdivision Phases 3 – 10 (total of 14.4 ha (35.6 acres); be rezoned from Residential 20 with a Hold (RES 20 (H) to Residential 10 (RES 10) and Residential 15 (RES 15) with Exceptions. The following site-specific exceptions will apply:

    i) A rear yard setback of 8 metres in Phase 5 (Lot 36)

    ii) A rear yard setback of 9 metres in Phase 8 (Lots 1-5 and 18-20)

    iii) For an increase in percentage of Small Lot Singles from 25% to 27% in Phase 6, which equates to 8 lots. (see Map - Attachment 2).

    Motion Carried

Chair Elaine MacDonald asked if the proponent wanted to add further comments to the presentation.

Developer John Markell replied that Planning had encapsulated the application well and he had no further comments. 

Councillor Syd Gardiner stated he supported the development and appreciated the historical background incorporated in the report. 

Mayor Bernadette Clement questioned the detailed Archeological Assessment provided and asked if this was a new or standard procedure. 

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith replied that it is a standard procedure with respect to the Provincial Policy Statement and Official Plan document.  She added that if Planning staff believe that a development site is a Greenfield site which may contain historical context, they can request that the application consider a historical review with a Stage 1 Archeological Assessment.

Mayor Bernadette Clement asked for more details with respect to the right of way (ROW) width.

Michael Fawthrop replied that typically, subdivisions require an 8-meter-wide roadway, and they try to achieve the same width for city streets, however, given that this subdivision will have all single dwelling lots and experience low traffic volume, a reduced ROW of 7-meter-wide road width is acceptable for this development. 

Due to technical difficulties, Deputy Chair Carilyne Hebert took over the meeting and asked if there were any further questions from PAC, hearing none, she asked if there were any questions from the public.

Landowner Ian Bowering representing himself and others from 103, 105 Old Orchard and 519 McConnell stated that no one was against the development.  However, he expressed that there were issues with the report and asked why the concerns provided in a letter to the Planning Division were not detailed in the report.  The letter listed several issues ranging from traffic increase, possible removal of cedar hedge, quantity of houses being built, construction noise, conformity with other homes in the historic neighbourhood, etc.

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith confirmed that the Planning Division had received a letter representing Mr. Bowering and other concerned neighbouring landowners, and the letter was forwarded to the Developer.

EVB Engineering’s Francois Lafleur replied that all concerns had been addressed with Mr. Bowering and advised that the houses being built would be a slab-on-grade (no basement) with only two bedrooms targeting the 55-plus population.  He then listed all the items that were addressed with Mr. Bowering.

Pertaining to excess traffic, he stated that they do not foresee any problems since the dwellings will be marketed towards senior citizens and peak traffic volumes will be low.

Regarding the cedar hedge and other vegetation, he stated that they would be kept intact, and that the developer recommends that maintenance of the hedge be discussed and shared between the different property owners.

With regards to the increased population density and noise levels, Mr. Lafleur reiterated that the dwellings will be marketed towards seniors and the proposed subdivision represents a small increase in dwelling units and additional noise.

Regarding construction noise, Mr. Lafleur advised that a schedule had yet to be established however, contractors will be respectful to follow the City’s noise By-law prohibiting constructions noise from 7 pm to 7 am on all days, any time on Sundays and Statutory Holidays.

Regarding the trees being removed, Mr. Lafleur advised that only overarching limbs and branches were removed.  He added that a legal survey had been done prior to this work to confirm the location of the property line, which was respected by the Developer.

Mr. Bowering suggested that the development be less dense and asked why the neighbourhood was being changed so dramatically.  He stated that having homes four to six deep off Baldwin Avenue would be invasive and suggested that this number be reduced to 2 or 3 to be more accommodating.

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith replied that other subdivisions in the area are of the same density and that the development fits all the zoning requirements.

General Manager of Planning, Development and Recreation Mark Boileau commented that the lot beside Mr. Bowering had been severed, and that there were no zoning amendments and no variances requested or needed in this draft plan of subdivision.  He added that Developer John Markell had complied with all the regulations.

Following a brief discussion, the following motion was made:

  • Moved By:Syd Gardiner, Councillor
    Seconded By:Maurice Dupelle, Councillor


    1. That the Draft Plan of Subdivision approval be given to the Draft Plan prepared by K.L. Stidwill, O.L.S., dated March 12, 2021 on Part of Lot 7, Concession1, comprising 0.452 ha (1.1 acres) of land. This plan will provide for 6 single lots and accommodate 6 single detached dwelling units, as well as a municipal road dedication, subject to the fulfilment of the Draft Plan (refer to Appendix A, Attachment 1).


    Motion Carried

PAC Secretary Mary Joyce-Smith introduced Alex Gatien as the new additional Planner in the Planning Division.  She also suggested that PAC recommendations resulting from this meeting be considered at the Monday, May 10th Meeting of Council instead of April 26th, 2021 mentioned in the Agenda.

The next scheduled PAC Meeting will be held on Monday, May 17th, 2021.

  • Moved By:Syd Gardiner, Councillor
    Seconded By:Ronald Symington

    Motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting of PAC of Monday, April 19th, 2021 at 8:15 p.m.

    Motion Carried



Any PAC recommendations resulting from this meeting will be considered at the Monday, May 10th, 2021 Meeting of Council. The Clerk’s Department may be contacted at 613-932-6252 to verify that the report and resultant documents to which you have an interest is included in the Agenda of the above date.