Planning Advisory and Hearing Committee

Meeting #:5
Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water Street East, Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 6G4, Salon B, Lower Level

Chair:                   Elaine MacDonald, Councillor

Prepared By:       Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant

November 16, 2020 Planning Advisory and Hearing Committee Meeting

  • Action Recommended

    (a) That approval be given to the Draft Plan of Subdivision prepared by K. Adams Surveying LTD. O.L.S., Ontario Land Surveyor., dated June 10th, 2020, on the lands located on the East ½ of Lot 5 and Part of Lot 4, Concession 1, and comprising approximately of 2.38 Ha (5.9 acres) of land, referred to as Belfort Subdivision Phase 2. This plan will provide for 21 Single Detached Dwelling lots and 10 Semi-Detached Dwelling lots (20 units), Blocks 1 & 2 will accommodate a pedestrian link and a .03m R.O.W reserve. This Draft Plan will be subject to the fulfilment of the Draft Plan Conditions, as shown in Appendix A, attached to this report and subject to the associated Zoning Amendments coming into effect; and

    (b) That the subject lands be rezoned from Manufacturing 20 with a Hold (MFR 20 (H)) to Residential 20 with Exceptions (RES 20 EXC), as detailed in this report.; and

    (c) That lands located on the East ½ of Lot 5 and Part of Lot 4, Concession 1, and comprising approximatively of 2.38 Ha (5.9 acres) of land, referred to as Belfort Subdivision Phase 2, be rezoned from Manufacturing 20 with a Hold (MFR 20 (H)) to Residential 20 with Exceptions (RES 20 EXC); the following site-specific exceptions will apply;

    Single Detached Dwellings:

    Minimum Side Yard Setbacks = 1.21 metres

    Minimum Rear Yard Setback = 8 metres, and a Lot Occupancy of 38%

    Semi-Detached Dwellings:

    Minimum Side Yard Setbacks = 1.21 metres

    Minimum Rear Yard Setback = 8 metres

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2021-02 funding request by Rothmar Holdings Inc at 12-16 Second St W, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 – Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $30,000

    Program 3 – Project Design Grant in the amount of $7,500

    Program 4 – Façade Improvement and Sign Grant in the amount of $12,000

    Program 5 – Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 – Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on actual weigh bill receipts.

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2021-01 funding request by Williamstown Mini Storage Inc at 113 ½ Pitt St, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 – Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $30,000

    Program 3 – Project Design Grant in the amount of $7,500

    Program 4 – Façade Improvement and Sign Grant in the amount of $12,000

    Program 5 – Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 – Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on actual weigh bill receipts

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2020-05 funding request by Robert and Michelle Chesebro at 117-119 Montreal Rd, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 – Building Restoration & Improvement program in the amount of $2,550 as a forgivable loan.

  • Action Recommended

    Based on the proceeding, it is recommended that PAC approve the following:

    HOTC and Brownfield Terms of Reference

    1. Committee Purpose

      To receive, review and make recommendations for action on both Brownfields and Heart of the City (HOTC) Funding Application requests, to the Planning Advisory Committee/Council.

    2. Responsibilities

      The primary role for CPPEG, as a working group, is set out in the Cornwall Brownfields and HOTC CIP’s and states:

      “The working group is mandated to evaluate and recommend applications for approval or otherwise to the City of Cornwall Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). Final approval of applications or other significant matters requiring Council approval, will then be recommended to Council by PAC.”

      In addition, the working group as a whole and/or by individually designated members can provide a liaison function with the public, other government agencies, non-government organizations (NGO’s) and private sector landowners/developers and companies, for example, on the promotion and overall dissemination of both Cornwall Brownfields and HOTC initiatives.

      The working group is responsible for proposing annual budget levels and associated budgeting strategies through staff and in consultation with the City’s Finance Department.

      The working group should report directly or through the Planning, Development & Recreation department, on any and all matters as it deems appropriate to PAC/Council that would have the effect of impacting on the municipality’s implementation of its financial incentive programs. This can include Legislative changes that have the affect of altering C.I.P. program functions.

      The working group may be periodically called upon to report to PAC/Council on trends, successes, challenges of both the Brownfields and HOTC initiatives.

      As an Advisory Body, CPPEG may be involved in reporting on other related special Brownfields/Community Improvement matters, as assigned from time to time by PAC/Council.

    3. Membership

      CPPEG is to be a broad-spectrum working group comprised of both City staff and Community representation. In each new working group, the membership is as follows:

      • CPPEG Chair is the PAC Chair or a Council designate
      • CPPEG Vice Chair is an internal elected position from the membership
      • Secretary - Development Coordinator as Staff Resource is a non-voting member
      • 6 specified staff members (automatic appointment to committee)
        • GM Planning, Development & Recreation
        • GM Financial Services
        • GM Infrastructure and Municipal Works
        • Division Manager Economic Development
        • Division Manager Planning
        • Municipal Assessor
      • Member of Council
      • Community group representatives (appointed by the subject community groups) DBIA, Heart of the City, Le Village BIA, Groupe Renaissance
      • 1 community member at large (appointed by the Lay Appointments’ Committee)

    4. Meetings

      CPPEG will meet once a month, or on an as-needed basis. The meetings may be in-person, by teleconference or electronically, e.g. Skype. If a member is not able to participate in a meeting, that member can speak to the Chair in advance so that the Chair can share the member’s perspective at the meeting. That member may also submit written comments or documentation in advance of the meeting to the Development Coordinator.

      4.1 Rules of Procedure

      Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Council Procedural Bylaw and Committee System Policy.

    5. Term

      Members will serve on the working group for a four (4) year term in conjunction with Council.

    6. Quorum

      Quorum shall be a simple majority (50%+1) of the voting working group members present at a meeting. There are 13 members of CPPEG.

    7. Decision-making

      The working group shall strive to provide a clear recommendation to PAC with regards to each application reviewed. The working group will strive for consensus when making decisions. If consensus cannot be achieved, the working group members must agree on how to deal with the outstanding issue, i.e. vote, continue discussion, table the issue to another meeting or take the issue to PAC.

    8. Confidentiality

      Grant applications and subsequent/submission and discussions at CPPEG meetings will be considered to be confidential. CPPEG members will be asked to sign a statement acknowledging the confidential nature of CPPEG work and will pledge to maintain that confidentiality.

    9. Minutes

      Minutes of each meeting will be taken to record the actions of CPPEG. City staff supporting the working group shall take minutes at the CPPEG meetings and the minutes shall be approved at subsequent meetings. Minutes will be kept and stored in accordance with the City’s practice.

    10. Guests

      Applicants may be invited to attend meetings as a resource as required.

  • Action Recommended

    Based on the proceeding, it is recommended that PAC approve the following:

    Renaissance Terms of Reference

    1. Committee Purpose

      To receive, review, evaluate applications for action of approval or otherwise for the Renaissance Housing Rehabilitation Program.

    2. Responsibilities

      The primary role for CPPEG is set out in the Renaissance Community Improvement Project Area Plan and states:

      “Renaissance Group is a non-profit organization aimed at rejuvenating the City of Cornwall. With widespread long-term goals, the group has identified a specific area for the beginning of their work. The surrounding area, containing Le Village, has been named Renaissance Project Area.” (p.1 Renaissance Community Improvement Project Area Plan)

      “The proceeding Plan document articulates a series of initiatives, which are helping to form the groundwork for a long-term revitalization work program.” (p.1 Renaissance Community Improvement Project Area Plan)

      The annual budget level is set by Council.

      CPPEG should report directly or through the Planning Department, on any and all matters as it deems appropriate to PAC/Council that would have the affect of impacting on the municipality’s implementation of the Renaissance financial incentive program. This can include Legislative changes that have the affect of altering C.I.P. program functions.

      2.1 Goals and Objectives of the Community Improvement Plan

      The Community Improvement Plan is intended to set-out parameters under which government-level funds are to be expended, specifically for “Community Improvement” initiatives.

      Under Section 28, “Community Improvement” is defined as meaning, “the planning or re-planning, design or redesign, re-subdivision, clearance, development or redevelopment, reconstruction and rehabilitation, or any of them, of a community improvement project area, and the provision of such residential, commercial, industrial, public, recreation, institutional, religious, charitable or other uses, buildings, works, improvements or facilities, or spaces therefore, as may be appropriate or necessary.”

    3. Membership

      CPPEG is to be a broad-spectrum working group comprised of both City staff and Community representation. In each new working group, the membership is as follows:

      • CPPEG Chair is the PAC Chair or a Council designate
      • CPPEG Vice Chair is an internal elected position from the membership
      • Secretary - Development Coordinator as Staff Resource is a non-voting member
      • 6 specified staff members (automatic appointment to committee)
        • GM Planning, Development & Recreation
        • GM Financial Services
        • GM Infrastructure and Municipal Works
        • Division Manager Economic Development
        • Division Manager Planning
        • Municipal Assessor
      • Member of Council
      • Community group representatives (appointed by the subject community groups) DBIA, Heart of the City, Le Village BIA, Groupe Renaissance
      • 1 community member at large (appointed by the Lay Appointments’ Committee)

    4. Meetings

    CPPEG will meet once a month, or on an as-needed basis. The meetings may be in-person, by teleconference or electronically, e.g. Skype. If a member is not able to participate in a meeting, that member can speak to the Chair in advance so that the Chair can share the member’s perspective at the meeting. That member may also submit written comments or documentation in advance of the meeting to the Development Coordinator.

    4.1 Rules of Procedure

    Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Council Procedure Bylaw and Committee System Policy.

    1. Term

    Members will serve on the working group for a four (4) year term in conjunction with Council.

    1. Quorum

      Quorum shall be a simple majority (50%+1) of the voting working group members present at a meeting. There are 13 members of CPPEG.

    2. Decision-making

    CPPEG, through administering the Renaissance Program, shall strive to provide a clear recommendation of each application reviewed. The working group will strive for consensus when making decisions. If consensus cannot be achieved, the working group members must agree on how to deal with the outstanding issue, i.e. vote, continue discussion, table the issue to another meeting.

    1. Confidentiality

    Grant applications and subsequent/submission and discussions at CPPEG meetings will be considered to be confidential. CPPEG members will be asked to sign a statement acknowledging the confidential nature of CPPEG work and will pledge to maintain that confidentiality.

    1. Minutes

    Minutes of each meeting will be taken to record the actions of CPPEG. City staff supporting the working group shall take minutes at the CPPEG meetings and the minutes shall be approved at subsequent meetings. Minutes will be kept and stored in accordance with the City’s practice.

    1. Guests

      Applicants may be invited to attend meetings as a resource as required.

The next Public Open House regarding the rewrite of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law will be an online video presentation/survey available for a 2-week period beginning February 1, 2021 to February 12, 2021. 

The next scheduled PAC Meeting will be on Monday, January 18th, 2021 or at the call of the Chair.

Any PAC recommendations resulting from this meeting will be considered either at the Monday, January 25th, 2021 Meeting of Council.  The Clerk’s Department may be contacted at 613-932-6252 to verify that the report and resultant documents to which you have an interest is included in the Agenda of the above date.