Planning Advisory and Hearing Committee

Meeting #:1

Chair:                   Elaine MacDonald, Councillor

Prepared By:       Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant

That the Minutes of December 21, 2020 be approved.

Proposed First Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law, City of Cornwall

A virtual presentation will be provided by WSP Consultants.  The focus of the presentation is to submit the First Draft Zoning By-law document and Zoning MAP to the PAC for endorsement. The First Draft Zoning By-law was prepared in accordance with the recommendations set out in the Zoning Strategy Report (September 2020), which was presented to the PAC on September 21, 2020.

Please note:  This presentation is not the Statutory Public Meeting item under Section 34 of the Planning Act, which will be provided later during the project process.  Therefore, only questions and /or comments will be accepted from the PAC.

  • Action Recommended
    1. That PAC endorse the First Draft of the Zoning By-law document and Zoning Map prepared as part of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review and recommend same to Council.

There is no specific notice requirement for the presentation by WSP (non-Planning Act item), however, the First Draft Zoning By-law and Zoning Map are available for review on the City’s website, and a virtual Public Open House and online survey was held from February 1 through February 14, 2021.  Following PAC’s review and endorsement of the First Draft Zoning By-law, a Second Draft Zoning By-law will be prepared and presented to the public at a Statutory Public Open House in Spring 2021.

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2021-03 funding request by 1727846 Ontario Inc at 150 Pitt St/ 26 Second St W, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $41,250

    Program 3 Project Design Grant in the amount of $7,500

    Program 4 Façade Improvement and Sign grant in the amount of $12,000

    Program 5 Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on actual weigh bill receipts

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2021-04 funding request by Sarah Irwin & Shawn Smith at 134 Montreal Rd, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $3,000

    Program 5 Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on actual weigh bill receipts

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2007-08 Addendum funding request by Marc & Christine Champagne at 213-217 Pitt St, be accepted as follows:

    Program 3 Project Design Grant in the amount of $3,000

    Program 5 Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on actual weigh bill receipts

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2020-02 funding request by Wesleyan Church of Canada at 780 Sydney ST, be accepted as follows:

    Program 3 Project Design Grant in the amount of $2,000

    (Outside the Priority Area, therefore 50% of the allowable amount)

    Program 5 Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on actual weigh bill receipts

The next scheduled PAC Meeting will be held on Monday, March 15th, 2021 or at the call of the Chair.

Any PAC recommendations resulting from this meeting will be considered at the Monday, February 22nd, 2021 Meeting of Council. The Clerk’s Department may be contacted at 613-932-6252 to verify that the report and resultant documents to which you have an interest is included in the Agenda of the above date.