Development Planner, Lindsay Parisien provided a brief overview of the Marguerite D'Youville Draft Plan of Subdivision. She advised that Planning Staff had reviewed the Draft Plan of Subdivision and associated supporting documentation in order to facilitate the development of 24 lots as single detached dwellings and recognized Phases 2 and 3 as future residential developments. She provided the background history on how the subject lands lot fabric and road configurations were established in 1995 /1996 via Reference Plan 52R-5198, and deemed City surplus lands. The City did not receive a viable offer for these lands until 2020, where they were finally sold to Grant Marion Construction. She added that due to the Province of Ontario's transition from the Land Registry System to the Land Titles system, it was determined that Planning Act approval under Section 51 was required in order to legally describe and sell the individual parcels. She added that a development of this nature maximizes the use of available municipal services, includes an appropriate density and land use. The residential development being proposed is also well integrated with the abutting-built environment and adheres to such general principles of land use planning, as promoted in the Provincial Policy Statements and the City's Official Plan documents. She concluded that the Planning Division supports this application, and recommends the lands be approved for immediate development as set out in the Draft Plan prepared by Ron M. Jason O.L.S., subject to Draft plan approval conditions, Appendix A, attached to the report, and reiterated that the applicant must agree to adhere to each of the conditions listed prior to Council granting final approval.
At this time, Chair Elaine MacDonald asked Mr. Matt Lefebvre, representative of Grant Marion, if he had any further information to add.
Mr. Lefebvre replied that Development Planner Lindsay Parisien had provided a thorough presentation, and had nothing further to add.
As there were no members of the public present, Chair Elaine MacDonald asked if there were any questions and/or comments from PAC.