Planning Advisory and Hearing Committee

Meeting #:3

Chair:                   Elaine MacDonald, Councillor

Prepared By:       Ely Daniels, Administrative Assistant

The following Agenda is being presented for adoption as presented / amended.

The following Minutes are being presented for adoption:

A public Notice was advertised in the Standard-Freeholder on Saturday, April 24th, 2021 covering one Public Meeting Item with respect to a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a multi-residential development on lands located at 1335 Reneal Street (former St. Gabriel’s Catholic Elementary School); PAC File Z-02-21.  In addition to the newspaper notice, a 400’ radius Letter Notice was sent out to landowners around the subject properties on Monday, April 26th, 2021.

  • Action Recommended
    1. That 1335 Reneal Street be rezoned from Residential 20 (RES 20) to Residential 30 with Exceptions (RES 30 EXC) on Part Lot 9, Concession 2 on Registered Plan 242, municipally known at 1335 Reneal Street, Cornwall, Ontario.

    2. That the following site-specific exemptions be approved:

    i. A reduced side yard setback of 3.5 metres on the east side.

    ii. A maximum permitted lot occupancy of 47%.

    1. That the proposed development be subject to the Site Plan approval process.

1.  Weaving Baskets Group Inc. (Agent – Tom Hughes) – Review of an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment from Residential 20 (RES 20) to Residential 30 with Exceptions (RES 30 EXC) to permit a multi-residential development on lands located at 1335 Reneal Street, Cornwall, Ontario.

  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2021-04 addendum funding request by Sarah Irwin & Shawn Smith at 134 Montreal Rd, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $5,015

    Program 5 Municipal Planning/Development Fees Grant based on actual costs

    Program 6 Discretionary Municipal Tipping Fees Grant based on 50% of weigh bill receipts

    Conditional upon completing the façade.

  • Action Recommended

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  • Action Recommended

    That HOTC#2021-06 funding request by Happy Bay Holdings Inc at 180-182 Ninth St E, be accepted as follows:

    Program 2 Building Restoration & Improvement Program in the amount of $15,000

    Program 4 Façade Improvement and Sign Grant in the amount of $6,000

    The application was recommended at 50% of the program maximums as the property is not located within the Priority Area.

A Zoning working meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 between WSP Consultants and Planning staff to review the Second Draft of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

The next scheduled PAC Meeting will be held on Monday, June 21st, 2021 or at the call of the Chair.

Any PAC recommendations resulting from this meeting will be considered at the Monday, June 14th, 2021 Meeting of Council. The Clerk’s Department may be contacted at 613-932-6252 to verify that the report and resultant documents to which you have an interest is included in the Agenda of the above date.